Christian – Jewish organization opposes cuts to ABC religious programming

The Australian Council of Christians and Jews (ACCJ), one of Australia’s oldest interfaith...

Night of Broken Glass, 9th November 1938 commemoration in Sydney on November 9, 2007 at...
Choosing a path to peace

Report about An Interfaith...
NEWSLETTER No. 67 – December 2006

Christian & Jewish SCENE. The Newsletter of the Australian Council of Christians and...
A Report by one of the conference delegates

I am attending the International Council of Christians and Jews in Sydney, Australia, July 8...
Protected: SHOAH Memorial Service

There is no excerpt because this is a protected...
ICCJ Women's Conference, Jerusalem 22nd June, 2008

The Contribution of Women to Peace Building in the Middle East. A...
Reichspogromnacht / Reichskristallnacht Commemoration Service

A talk given at the Great Synagogue of Sydney on the evening of the 70th anniversary of...
SA CCJ Annual General Meeting 2007

Jewish Co-chair's...