Heads, Hearts & Hands: What can dialogue do for us? (2-4 Feb 2025)
In a world torn by violence, dissension, othering and hatred, is there a role for dialogue?...
From Seeking Peace to Administering to the Bereaved
For people in Melbourne, CCJ (Vic) and the Union for Progressive Judaism are presenting an...
What’s Happening in Israel?
Despite the current crisis with Hamas in Gaza, Israel is in a continuing political,...
Zoom event on life and ethics of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
An exciting panel of speakers will commemorate the life, ethics and commentaries of Rabbi Lord...
White Extremism Webinar
You are invited to join a CCJVIC/ACCJ webinar discussion on ‘The threat to multicultural...
NZ Councils of Christians and Jews
The Australian Council of Christians and Jews (ACCJ) has warm fraternal relations with...
WA Kristallnacht commemoration
The Council of Christians and Jews WA is holding a commemoration of Kristallnacht this Sunday...
ICCJ 2021 meeting cancelled
One of the major international dialogue and interfaith events of the calendar, the 2021...
ACT Christian Jewish Dialogue
The ACT Christian Jewish Dialogue holds several Jewish-Christian dialogue and/or Interfaith...