
The Funny Side of God: Humour in Christianity and Judaism


The Jewish Museum of Australia and the Council of Christians and Jews (Victoria)
invite you to join them for an afternoon of laughs . . .

Sunday 30th October 4.30 pm


Chairperson Reverend Graham Mc Analley
Vice chairman Council of Christians and Jews.

Reverend Bill Beagley
Vicar of the Anglican Parish of West Coburg
stand up comedian and performer at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.

Rabbi Steven Link
Chief Minister of Kew Hebrew Congregation
Cantor and performer at Chazanut Concerts and presenter on Jewish humour.

Gross Gallery Jewish Museum of Australia
26 Alma Rd St Kilda

Admission: $12 Concession: $10
Afternoon Tea will be served

For bookings and further information phone JMA 9534 0083